Nick Ackert
The camp is not about us, it’s about the kids.
All of you guys, H2H, the counseling team, everybody, parents... you’ve had an exhausting day, and the last thing anybody needs is more talking.
But, as Adrian and I, as well as several other people who couldn’t be here this evening… have had a lot of experience over the past ten years... we’re hoping that you’ll listen just for a couple more minutes and bear with us while we share our thoughts.
And you guys lucked out because originally, I was going to give this speech in Mandarin! Then you guys would have really struggled, but I thought, “no, I’m not going to do that!”
And the other reason [for not using Chinese]… and I say this seriously, is that this is an English camp. It’s Huadung English Camp, and in the spirit of that, I thought it was important that as one of the founding members, I address you guys in English tonight.
And I know as English teachers and counselors, all of you guys know what I’m saying, so I’m not going to beat around the bush, and I will keep it quick.
Angela asked me to share my thoughts... and I have two things:
The first is a memory of the past, and the second is a look forward into the future.
When Angela asked me to share a memory… it was really, really difficult to choose because after four years of my service in the camp, and together we have all worked with over 1600 kids, there’s so much, but I thought I would instead choose something that was more directly relevant to many people in this room:
As a veteran, when we come back, we tend to be critical and think “Oh wow! We would have done it differently.” Or, “How different things must have been!”
But the actual truth is that when Adrian and I walked into the curriculum room - because we were former curriculum team members, and I’m speaking directly now to the curriculum team , you guys are holding the keys to the kingdom here - we were just simply blown away.
You guys have become so accomplished. Each and every single one of you, regardless what team you’re from, have become leaders in your own way.
And the way that nearly forty of you guys could work together seamlessly, step up to the plate, do your work, and get the job done - that kind of efficiency is something that we never could have imagined. So I just want to share that “A-ha!” moment that both of us had when we saw you there.
On that note, that leads to my second point, which is that obviously, we’re celebrating tonight and we’ve had an amazing ten years together.
But causes for celebration are also a time for reflection. And I think it’s really important that each and every single one of us all think carefully about what it is that we are celebrating and why.
In my own view, I think Heart to Heart is an amazing program. There are plenty of programs that have been around for longer than we have.
But why have we been so successful?
It’s because we’re as good at listening as we are at teaching, and each year we learn to adapt.
The first year, when it was just Adrian and me and six of our close friends at TAS, Sanders as well, all of us, to be honest - we really didn’t know what we were doing.
We were working with three schools and one hundred kids in each school, and the goal was to feed them, to get them BianDan (便當) because they didn’t get anything to eat.
We realized that our initial goals in setting up this camp were two things: It was to take care of the campers and it was to teach them English.
And when year two came around and we were lucky enough to work with the Alliance Foundation, in no small part thanks to Mr.Stanley Yan and Ms. Angela Tsai, we did a hardcore curriculum reset:
We hired somebody with a Princeton education who was of Chinese descent but did not speak Mandarin and who got in with us in each of the classrooms and taught us how to teach an entire lesson in English without a single word of Chinese.And that’s the root where our interactive curriculum came from.
We’re so inspired by the way that it’s continuing to grow. Each and every year we’ve been successful because of all of you, and because of your edits
To make long story short, as we move forward to the future, the one thing I want to ask ourselves is this:
Why are we here? What are we doing? And what kind of impact are we making?
The two goals have always been: To take care of our kids and to teach them English, as this is an English language summer camp.
My hope for the future is that we continue to evolve and keep listening to our kids and listening to each other in coming up with new and innovative ways of doing that.
The last note I want to close on, and it’s something again that I commend all of you guys for, is that in order to do that, you have to get uncomfortable.
You know it is really, really difficult to work one on one with kids, especially when they’re feeling alone, and they’re isolated, and they come from really, really difficult family situations that none of us can possibly imagine.
They’ve been ostracized and marginalized. And we want to do everything that we can to protect them. And that’s why all of us are here.
But sometimes in our desire to protect them and to comfort them, we also lose sight of what our original goal is. Which was to address all of the issues that Mr.Yen talked about this morning in his speech:
These kids, they are not victims, they are innovators.
They are creators. They are survivors.
And when we work with them, we need to keep in that spirit and know that they’re tough and resilient.
And we need to continue using English with them, because that is the only way - in the world that has left them with no choice but to continue to protect and to spread their culture. And that has always been, and will always be our, mission.
And I can’t stress that enough as we consider not only sitting on our laurels and celebrating all the amazing things we’ve accomplished, but also moving forward. Because if we don’t, if we reflect really carefully on what we’ve actually accomplished:
The camp is not about us, it’s about the kids. The tears, the goodbyes, the piñatas, the ceremonies, the celebrations, the self expression
All of it is wonderful, but it’s also not sustainable. And we need to continue pushing as hard as we can, or else we only become glorified babysitters.
We need to continue to adapt and change, and to show the same level of creativity and innovation that all of our children have shown us.
And if we’re too afraid to innovate and to be brave, it’s not fair for us to expect the same from them.
So I congratulate everyone for an amazing ten years, and as we continue to grow together,
I can’t wait to see what I know we’ll accomplish.
Thanks for listening.
The best way to plan for our future is to learn from our past -
to preserve our core mission of caring for our campers and teaching them English, and never being afraid to innovate and grow because our work is never done.
童愉 Fish
2011/2012 -活動組組員 -活動組組長
李畹琪 Judy Lee
每一年,若有機會,我會盡量參與英語營的活動。即使沒有辦法在七月時出隊,若能夠培訓時協助,我也盡力出席。很開心今年有個回娘家活動,從Farewell Party和Closing Ceremony 可以深深的感受到英語營的初衷從未改變,更棒的是,為了能夠讓初衷更顯意義,營隊持續的再調整與進步!看到孩子們勇敢的站自台上展現自我,用英文與族語介紹自己與營隊心得時,讓我非常的感動,也相信改變的種子一直在茁壯。
2013- 活動組組員 2014 -活動組組長
2016- 英語營營長
周胤龍 Umas
Guo Chen
The camp provided me a place to grow and become whoever I want...
We're always on the camper's side, watching over their shoulders, and helping them whenever needed. Now, for a kid to know there's always a home or a person that will always support him/her no matter what, that's huge. The impact we have on these campers... it's real and incredible!! We really do change their life... Homesick kid not wanting to leave at the end of camp... Kids messaging me he'll go "do homework later" or "good night", campers sobbing at the junyi hallway on the last day....
Srsly, this camp is SO much more than teaching English.. It's incredible how simply 8 weeks of summer has changed my life and personality... Words can't express how much this camp means to me and to all the volunteers... The camp really brings people together in ways I can't describe... It provided me a place to grow and become whoever I want... It taught me discipline, teamwork, leadership, and so, so much more.... And every time I see the kids pronounce a word correctly, tell me' "I want to become a volunteer", or ask me, "Will I see you next year?", I know at that instant... all the midnight eng grinds, countless hours spent, and decreasing sleep... it was all worth it... :))
To all the 2019 h2h volunteers... you guys are my family... I cannot be more than grateful to be part of this incredible journey... Asah jelly, midnight grind, cicada, ABSOLUTE A class chaos, baby boss, deep talks.... and srsly, dancing has NEVER been so fun yet so sad at the same time... I'm rly rly gna miss this family and junyi :((
To H2H and every volunteers I've worked with, thank you for shaping who I am today, and this camp will always hold a very special place in my heart... okay camp blues is hitting me really hard now :(, but I'll end with this:
"Fully enjoy and live every moment... because you never fully cherish what happens until you're leaving."
Rbeca Wan 萬姿儀
Martin Xie 謝承翔
施比受更有福,讓HEC的力量不斷的蔓延,是我在HEC立下的目標,在之後,我也希望看到這些Campers在未來也帶上HEC的精神 跨步向前邁。
Lillian Liao 廖紫淩
在培訓的這段時間,我最大的收穫是認識來自從不同地方卻有著一樣想為教育付出的夥伴們,因為從每個夥伴中身上中總是能學習到他很棒的東西,像是在90秒記住我的活動中,就曾有夥伴就有說過世界上沒有完美的人,我們都有擅長與不擅長的事,只要用心就能學會原本我們不會的,從她身上,我學習到了用心跟勇敢嘗試,除此之外,還有透過與教育界前輩的交流,讓我知道並且思考教育的價值和多元。而在出隊的這段時間,在與孩子們的相處過程中,從孩子們身上,我看見許多不同的特質,很多都是很值得我學習的, 就這好像是孩子是一本本不同的好書,我們必須要好好細心閱讀,才能去探索、挖掘、從中學習到裡面精彩、不錯的地方跟小彩蛋,不過真正收穫最多的是我似乎比較尋找到自己未來想走的方向,也比較了解自己了。
Ruru Pan 潘婉如
Tsai Tsai 蔡郁玟
Angela Kuo 郭恩佳
Dhirpal Shah
I learned that what I do actually makes a difference. Before, I came to HEC just hoping that the kids could bring something home with them - which was enough motivation for me to try as hard as I could already. But, after listening to Birthe, I have even more to fight and work hard for because I have proof that these kids are so deeply impacted by us.
Eudy 許引珊
每當我們問孩子:What do you think about yourself?
O-U-T! S-T-A-N-D! I-N-G!
全部的人擠到舞台前大合唱see you around 、走廊傳來悠揚的布農族曲、在師培中心錄排灣族曲的時光、heart to heart 的才藝課程......
無論那個舞台是在營報上、教室裡、時裝秀、團體競賽中、language olympics積分賽、talent show的舞台上、最後一天晚餐前的公開表揚大會、結業式的表演與英文致詞,或是在人與人之間耐心的傾聽裡、一段camp diary 的文字裡。
想起前幾天垂頭喪氣的她與眼前的她,如同talent show前導片所要傳達的:Everything is possible, as long you try over and over.
最後以創辦人Nick Ackert的致詞提醒自己:
These kids, they are not victims, they are innovators.
They are creators. They are survivors.
And when we work with them, we need to keep in that spirit and know that they’re tough and resilient.
We need to continue using English with them, because that is the only way - in the world that has left them with no choice but to continue to protect and to spread their culture.
And that has always been, and will always be, our mission.
The best way to plan for our future is to learn from our past
-to preserve our core mission of caring for our campers and teaching them English,
and never being afraid to innovate and grow because our work is never done.
Chris Lee 李昱呈